Advertising Machines Make Visual Marketing More Attractive


About the visual effect of marketing LCD advertising, I think all businesses are most concerned about is how to use LCD advertising create more compelling video content, today Emperor Aidi'll take you to learn how to use video effects to attract more advertising Potential customers. If the advertising machine does not have any video, it is just a combination of pictures and text. It is just as if people lose their language and there is only action. Life will be tedious and there is no color at all. Advertising machines are also the same, lacking the dimensions needed to effectively convey information. Attractive and dynamic. Whether you want to attract customers to focus on screen content or convey important information, video is more convincing and appealing than text or static images.
LCD advertising machine

The ancients said that if we know ourselves and know each other well, the essence of this sentence is that we first need to understand what the video is. Video is dynamic graphics. The static picture speeds up the operation and turns into dynamic video. Psychology points out that people watching things will tend to focus on mobile. Objects. The simplest explanation is that video can better express the information to be delivered, and it is also the most effective direct way to get the attention of the audience. According to a study, a comic book and a video let 100 people choose, 85% of people will choose to watch the video, you can imagine the charm of the video.
LCD advertising machine

After understanding the video, we look at how the visual response gives people a mental response. The visible wavelength range of human eyes is in the range of 380nm to 780nm. In this waveband, the human eye selectively responds to radiation. Since the composition of the externally stimulated radiation spectrum is different, Makes the human eye produce a different color sense, that is, color vision, so the human eye can not only feel the light and dark differences brought by external stimuli, but also can feel the rich color changes of things. The light and dark feeling of human eyes plays an important role in visual function. The visual effects of the human eye are mainly light and dark stimulus problems (spectral responsivity) under achromatic conditions, and for the visual mechanism of the human eye, the color stimulus is an integral part of visual perception. People under light source lighting conditions, light The effects of color on visual function are related to physiological mechanisms, but also to visual psychology, psychophysics, and other reactions.
LCD advertising machine

After understanding this, video marketing using LCD advertising machines is much more convenient. Merchants can choose to use video marketing to stimulate potential customers when they have the most traffic, attract customers' attention, and leave a vivid and unforgettable impression to customers. When potential customers are curious about the video, they naturally interact with the advertising machine. The customer uses a combination of graphic and textual marketing during the interaction with the advertising machine. This is not very convenient and often the simplest. most effective.
Of course, the advertising machine is also divided into many models. The merchant must select the appropriate advertising machine according to their own industry, such as the T-type advertising machine can achieve the effect of interactive video, the effect of different advertising devices for the industry is not the same In general, video determines customer interaction.
As a supplier of commercial display solutions, Aidi Electronic has been engaged in LCD advertising for nearly 10 years. It has a certain accumulation in advertising machine marketing and hopes to help various industries. We insist on sharing the principle of win-win and harmonious development with customers. The customer's success is our greatest motivation.

Cellulose Nitrate Membrane

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3.Less adsorbing and no medium shed off
4.Less working pressure needed


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6.Applications in biology.,uch as the collection and cleaning of cells


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