Many people think this way, as long as they have bought a car insurance thing is very simple. But do you know that if you choose insurance for your new car, in addition to strong insurance, car damage insurance, and third liability insurance, are there any insurance options? Car insurance is complicated and it is not easy to choose. Then how to choose a new car insurance. Before we buy insurance, we must first know what car insurance, and we must first understand the main content of car insurance. In general, motor vehicle insurance has compulsory insurance and commercial insurance, including commercial insurance and basic insurance and additional insurance. The additional risk is mainly broken glass, loss of water due to spontaneous combustion, driving risk, etc. Additional insurance must be insured before the vehicle is insured. Strong traffic insurance must be bought, and third-party damage is also indispensable. Traffic Insurance is the first compulsory insurance system in China that is regulated by national laws. In other words, it is all motor vehicles, including automobiles. This insurance must be purchased. No fault liability insurance, vehicle cargo falling liability insurance is an additional risk of the third liability insurance, you must first insure the third party liability insurance before you can insure each risk is not counted, you can independently insure. When a new car buys insurance, in addition to the basic insurance, for all kinds of additional insurance, it depends on its own needs and its ability to do it, because it is all commercial insurance and it costs money. The more common is the wading insurance, also known as the engine special insurance, which refers to the vehicle damage insurance after the vehicle enters the water. It can pay for damage to the vehicle except for the engine. The engine damage caused by this is only involved. Water insurance is possible to lose. However, it should be noted that if the owner of the vehicle is forced to start the engine after being flooded and damage is caused by himself, the insurance company will not compensate even if he purchases the wading insurance. It should also be noted that, in fact, the new car can have many choices when it is purchased. In addition to the types of insurance that must be purchased above, other additional risks must be based on their own actual conditions and needs to purchase and choose. Skived Fin Heat Sink,Skived Fin,Skived Heat Sinks,Skiving Heat Sink Suzhou Wint Electric Co., Ltd ,