Introduction of mineral processing metal balance


Inbound balance sheet metal ore metal content and metal content between factory concentrate and tailings have a balance, if the tabular form is called.

The metal balance sheet is a mineral processing report, which is compiled according to the quantity and quality indicators of the ore dressing according to shift, day, day, month, season and year. These indicators include raw ore processing capacity, raw ore grade, factory concentrate, concentrate grade, metal content, recovery, tailings and tailings grades. Therefore, according to the metal balance table, the production situation of the concentrator can be evaluated. It can be seen that the production plant has completed the production index within a certain period. The metal balance meter is the basic data for mineral processing. Because it is calculated according to the shift, it is also the basic data for the production team to conduct production evaluation.

The metal balance meter is divided into a theoretical metal balance meter and an actual metal balance meter.

The theoretical metal balance (also called process metal balance) table is based on the grades of the raw ore and the final beneficiation products (concentrate and tailings) in the equilibrium period, and the concentrate yield and metal recovery rate are calculated. The loss in the process, so this recovery rate is called the theoretical recovery rate. This metal balance table is called the theoretical metal balance table. It can reflect the technical indicators of the beneficiation process, and is generally prepared according to the class, day, day, month, season and year. It can be used as the business evaluation and analysis data of the beneficiation process, and can be based on the work indicators during the balance sheet period. Compare the work of the workshop, the section and the class.

The actual metal balance (also known as the commodity balance) table is based on the actual quantity of ore processed during the balance sheet period, the actual quantity of the concentrate (such as the number of ex-factories and the quantity remaining in the mine bin, thickener and various equipment) and The concentrate yield and metal recovery rate calculated from the test grade, so this recovery rate is called the actual metal recovery rate. This metal balance sheet is called the actual metal meter and is compiled on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or one-year basis.

The concentration of metal loss during the beneficiation process is reflected in the difference between the actual recovery rate and the theoretical recovery rate. Since the theoretical balance table does not consider the mechanical loss of metals in various stages of the beneficiation process, the metal recovery rate of the theoretical balance meter is generally higher than the metal recovery rate of the actual balance meter, but sometimes anomalous phenomena occur, and the actual recovery rate is higher than Theoretical recovery rate, mainly due to sampling errors, chemical analysis of ore and mineral processing products, and errors in moisture content determination, as well as errors in the measurement of raw ore and beneficiation products. Generally, the difference between the recovery rate of the theoretical metal balance meter and the recovery rate of the actual metal balance meter is not more than 2% for the flotation plant, and no negative difference should occur. The re-election plant is positive and the negative difference cannot exceed 1.5%.

Comparing the theoretical metal balance table with the actual metal balance table, it can reveal the loss of metal during the production process. The greater the difference, the more problems exist in the technical management and production management of the plant. It is necessary to ascertain the abnormal conditions of the production process and the errors in sampling, measurement and various analysis and measurement, and solve them in time.

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