Starting from Moldex3D R11.0, it is possible to predict coolant properties inside 3D cooling channels and to simulate non-circular cross section cooling channels in eDesign. New Moldex3D R11.0 provides numerous enhancements and improvements to 3D cooling channel functionalities to help design better cooling systems effectively. Moldex3D Designer offers a very intuitive way to build 3D cooling channels for eDesign projects. The procedures to import a 3D cooling channel are as easy as follows: 1. Import the cavity and the runner model. 2. For the 3D cooling channels, just click the “import†icon. The supported file formats are .stl, .iges, and .stp. If the file is not a surface mesh file (i.e. .stl file), the program will extract the surface automatically. Remember to assign the attribute to “cooling channel†3. The imported cooling channels are shown in blue in the picture below. Now, you can easily create an non-circular cooling channel in eDesign. The remaining steps to defining the model are the same as usual. On the other hand, Moldex3D Mesh provides a very flexible way to build complex cooling systems for Solid projects. The steps are as follow: 1. Create cooling system mesh. 2. Export Solid Model. 3. In Moldex3D process settings, under â€computation parameterâ€, set the “Cooling channel analysis by†to “Run 3D solid cooling channel analysis.†4. Additional results such as coolant pressure, temperature, velocity can be found in the cooling result. Polyanionic Celluolose, short for PAC, Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, short for CMC, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, short for HEC all can be used for oil drilling application. Polyanionic Cellulose, Powder Sodium CMC, Powder HEC with low and high viscosity Santo Chemical Limited , https://www.santchem.comSupport for 3D cooling channel import (eDesign projects)
3D Coolant Property Prediction (Solid Projects)